Sunday, January 28, 2024

What's With What-Ifing

People seem to be preoccupied with “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios rather than the positives in life. There is a Swedish Proverb that says worry gives a small thing a big shadow. If that is true, then what ifs give small things a gigantic shadow? When push comes to shove, what ifing is misusing your imagination? Let's face it: imagination knows no bounds.

So when you really put your mind to it, we can all conjure up a number of things to what if about. We need to stop what iffing! We make fear up. What if I lose my job? What if he is cheating on me? What if I get cancer? What if someone breaks my heart? What if I can’t pay rent? What if what is what if?

We are anxious sorts. What if you just stop what-ifing and just start telling the truth? Fear and anxiety are caused by what-iffing. We tend to tell ourselves stories of things that have not happened. When you do the what-ifs, you discredit your own ability to handle life’s problems, assuming you’ll fall apart at the first sign of trouble. These irrational, pessimistic attitudes are not good for your mind, your body or your spirit. What-ifs are mental habits that can be broken. You can teach yourself to stay calm and look at life more positively. 

What ifs become worries, and worries become problems, and these problems can lead to unrelenting doubts and fears and can be paralyzing. They can sap your emotional energy, send your anxiety levels soaring, and interfere with your daily life. So how do you stop what iffing? It is simple. Stick to the facts, only the facts; stay in the now.

By sticking to facts, you are sticking to the truth and only the truth. There is no room to make things up when you remain in a fact. In fact, sticking to facts keeps your side of the road clean because you are not making up stories, and you remain honest with integrity. By sticking to the facts, the what ifing will stop, and you will be walking in peace in no time!

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